Friday, May 31, 2013

Tips and Techniques for Reducing Work-related Stress

The Dale Carnegie's Worry Principles.

Keep your balance.

The Dale Carnegie's Worry Principles.
It's easy for others to throw you off, if you let them. However, by retaining your sense of balance, you can stay afloat through rocky seas.

View stress as a motivating factor.

Realize that some stress relates to challenges that can help you succeed. One Dale Carnegie principle is "Throw down a challenge." This principle can help put stress into perspective.

Keep things in perspective.

Remember that work is not important enough to die for or to ruin your personal life.

Know yourself.

Recognize the good that you have to offer, even if others around you take it for granted.

Use appropriate humor.

It's true that laughter is the best medicine. Find those things in your work environment that are genuinely humorous, and enjoy them, as long as it's not at the expense of others.

Manage your time.

Prioritize where you spend your time in terms of the extent to which it helps you achieve your goals.

Accept praise, but don't expect it.

When someone recognizes your good work, thank them, without undermining it But realize that others also might be under so much stress that they may not provide the praise you deserve.

Welcome change.

A great deal of stress is caused because of changes in people's work or environment. If you take the attitude that variety is stimulating, then change becomes less of a stress factor.

Pay attention to yourself.

Through proper diet and exercise, you can help yourself physically in a way that will naturally reduce your stress.

Apply Dale Carnegie's Worry Principles.

Review the Golden Book and other sources for principles on working with others.

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