Friday, June 3, 2011

Building Sales Rapport...Breaking The Ice

Ways of Building Sales Rapport

Building Sales Rapport
It is sometimes said that our first ten words are more important than our next ten-thousand words. Creating a positive impression is critical to building relationships and establishing credibility. This is true whether we are cold-calling a new prospect or calling on a client we have known for years. For new contacts rapport must include creating trust and credibility. We maintain loyalty with existing clients by continuously adding value. Avoid the obvious approaches used by most salespeople with their first words. Be creative in how you start your communications. Create value for others, even in how you open the sale.

Your first words or action in building sales rapport could be:

  • Give them a referral
  • Presenting gifts, like a business book
  • Give free samples of your product
  • Bring food like bagels, doughnuts, pizza, etc.
  • Provide information, advice, or service not directly related to your product
  • Tell them something they don't already know that is valuable to them
  • Open with an exhibit or demonstration that captures their interest
  • Provide something tangible, of value, that will remind them of you
  • Ask a unique question that requires some thought to answer
  • Challenge their current reality with a question or statement
  • Give them a compliment they would not hear from anyone else
  • Reference something based on your pre-approach research
  • Use a name of someone they respect, especially a direct referral
  • Say something startling or intriguing
  • Have a brief social conversation about something that interests them

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