Friday, May 31, 2013

Why Talk Statements

What is a Why Talk Statement?

Why Talk Statement
This is another option to use when you are ready to transition from your opening to the purpose of your visit. A Why Talk Statement is designed to sell people on the value of meeting with you, and set clear expectations for the meeting. You can do this verbally or in writing. Why Talk Statements are especially helpful when you are dealing with people who like to get right to business. For them, beginning in a pleasant way means getting immediately to the matter.

Why Talk Statement Elements

Benefit of meeting—Cite a benefit of the meeting itself, not your product. Why should this buyer spend time with you? People's time has become a very scarce resource. Many doctors are now charging salespeople for their time. We need to be able to give people value, even if they don't do business with us immediately.

Agenda points—Briefly review the outcomes of the meeting, from a buyer's point of view. What they should expect from you, and you from them. This is a valuable step if you are making a more formal presentation, like to a buying team or group. Ask if they want to add anything to the agenda.

Advance—Next, we smoothly carry the sales interview to the next level. In many cases we will want to ask questions to clarify their needs. We may choose to use a Credibility Statement here, or relate some of the key points we discovered in our pre-approach.

Why Talk Example

1. Today we will be reviewing the issues you are considering in a new phone system and ensure the system would be perceived as a positive step by your associates. There are some recent changes in technology and in regulations that are important for you, even if we don't do business together.

2. Here are some points we can cover:
  • First, let's review the challenges you are facing in changing the phone system.
  • Next, let's bring two of your employees into our meeting and ask them about their issues and needs.
  • Then, let's see how that ties into what management is looking for.
  • Finally, let's determine what criteria you will be basing your buying decision on so that we can provide you with an accurate proposal.

3. How does that sound?

4. Do you have any other points?

5. May I ask you a few questions about your phone system needs?

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