Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Presenting Information

How to Best Present Information?

Presenting information in a way that is interesting and convincing involves these steps:
  • Incident—An experience from your own life; one which taught you a lesson.
  • ActionAnswers the question, "What do you want us to do?"
  • Benefit—Answers the question, "Why should we do it?"
Presenting Information
Always Begin with The Incident

When preparing your presentation, you may begin with any of the three steps. When delivering your presentation, always begin with the incident. Why? Because the incident captures the immediate attention of your audience and makes your communication more conversational.

Add Power to Your Incident with Physical Activity

If you wish to persuade others, you must be alert and alive yourself. You must speak with sincerity and excitement. You must speak so that your listeners will feel that you believe every word you say.

To speak effectively, we must use more than just our voice. We must also use physical animation or gestures. In other words, we should use our whole body.

Are gestures important? The canned variety are not. But natural, forceful, spontaneous gestures are extremely important for two reasons:

I. They stimulate and inspire the speaker. Gestures wake us up, loosen us up, and relax us. When we gesture or when we let ourselves go physically, we automatically let ourselves go mentally and emotionally.

II.They also affect the audience. The emotional effect gestures have on listeners is both obvious and, at times, even dramatic. Just think about some of the world's great presenters. In almost every case, the use of natural, spontaneous gestures contributes to the effectiveness of the speaker and to the impact of his or her message.

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